


The Euthanasia program was a modern-day salvation.

The program, called Death with Dignity, was systematized to the extreme, processing hundreds of people every day, 24/7. The foundation of the process was laid by an individual named "Kasa. He was skilled in everything from medicine to organizational management and was the right person to manage the program.


The "Scarlet Carp."

One of the largest violent organizations in Japan, said to have lasted for more than a century. It has one leader with four executives and more than tens of thousands of members. It is said to be the strongest organization in the country, and 20 years ago it was the only organization that could compete with the Kinyoren, but it has been weakening over the years and has now become a mere puppet organization, and there is no sign of it.






A famous assassin in the back market. He is rumored to be able to kill Kannon, the Goddess of Mercy, and his workmanship is top-notch. However, the organization he once belonged to has been destroyed, leaving him alone, and he is despised by the industry, where killing one's own relatives is considered illegal.


The "Tiger Hole."

The largest violent organization in the western part of the country. The rules of the Tora Ana, which was formed by the merger of several organizations 20 years ago, were quite simple: "Obedience or death. They were free to do whatever they wanted as long as they did not harm their own people. Sensing the chaos in the east, they marched off to find greater freedom.


The Masquerade."

The United States is one of the three major powers in this country, but its position has many limitations. There is a military unit that operates under a cloak of secrecy to counter and suppress violent organizations in this country. The organization is called "Masquerade" because they wear masks that children buy at festivals.


The Black Path."

It is one of the three major forces in the country and the largest immigration organization in the country. A man named "White Tile" who belongs to the organization is a member of the Black Road, but at the same time he is also a member of the Asian Union, which conducts surveillance.



One of the medical drugs in capsule form. Because of its hallucinogenic effects, many violent organizations distribute it as a source of funds. However, it is rare for the organizations themselves to deal in Vital, and the dealers are lizard tails with no direct ties to the organizations. Chastisement for failure to meet quotas, absconding with profits, and other treacherous behavior was a common sight in the back alleys.


Vital addicts."

There is a race of people who can only be described as the end of those who have lost all their money and honor. The terminally ill who abuse vitals bleed from the inside out, and the poisoned blood crystallizes when exposed to air. Internal and external body tissues are replaced by crystals, making it difficult to sustain life. Through such a process, the whole body becomes crystallized and dies a beautiful and cruel death.



The country's thousand-plus violent organizations naturally vary in size. The figure commonly referred to as the "sword" served as an indicator of the scale of the organization. Gecko, the sword of one of the largest organizations, the Scarlet Carp, made her name as the most powerful individual of this era. Her anecdotes are endlessly circulated, and the story of her cutting down a fired 7.62mm bullet is only part of the story.



バケット波は80年代の終わりに地球全体に降りかかった。 それによる電波障害は遍く電子機器に甚大な被害を与えた。 レーダーを塞がれた人類は、海や空に出ることは叶わなくなった。 それはさながら、如何に発展を遂げようと あくまでその身は地に縛られた人類の原罪を見せつけられるように。



バケット波による直接的な電波障害の影響は1年に満たなかったが、 当時の日本を窮地に至らせるには充分すぎる期間だった。 貿易経路を塞がれた島国のインフラは早々に破綻し、 抱える人口に対して食料生産量は明らかに不足していた。 飢饉状態に陥ったこの国では、いたるところで暴動が起きた。 執政者はこの国に早々に見切りをつけ国外に散開した。 頭脳を無くした機関と飢えた人民による闘争は長く続いた。 最終的にこの国はデフォルトに陥り、日本という国は消滅した。



国全体の困窮はヤミ相場が育つ土壌となった。 実質投棄状態にあった地下鉄道施設を無許可で占領した人間たちによって、 地下マーケットが形成された。 少ない配給で困窮していた当時の国民にとってその存在は重宝せざるを得なかった。 マーケットに並ぶ商品のほとんどが盗品であった。 それはつまり、弱い者がさらに自分より弱い者から刈り取ったもので市場は巡っていた。 そしてこの地下マーケットが後の暴力組織の興隆へ繋がる。



政府が機能していない状況では、 国内企業の世界的な経済価値は暴落する一方であった。 憂いた企業群によって全国金融連合組織が発足された。 秩序を取り戻す為の政府代行という名目で組織されたが、 それは口実に過ぎず、法的介入すら通用しない、 際限のない資本主義の加速装置そのものであった。



亜細亜の極東の島国。 数十年足らずであっけなく没落し、名前を失った国があった。 およそ一億に至る人口を持ち、取り囲む海原が四季を呼んだ。 その国では企業が政府に成り代わり、一部の富む者達によって弱い国民は搾取され続けていた。 企業の政府ぶった圧政の足元で、暴力組織が横行し、この国に拠点を設けた海外組織も隙を伺っていた。 小さな島国の中で多くの策略が駆け巡っている。